IVR phone systems are a useful way of managing business phone lines. By automating the early stages of a call, you can more easily manage human resources for more complicated jobs. Certainly, while IVR phone systems greeting is important when setting up your IVR.
In this article, we’ll cover the definition of IVR and how it’s useful. Then, we’ll suggest some IVR greeting scripts for call greetings that’ll help your business go further.
What is the Role of IVR Phone System Greeting in Customer Service?
First, let’s start with what does IVR mean. IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response. In short, it consists of automated voice messages that customers can respond to instead of speaking to a handler.
They can do this in 2 ways. First, some IVR phone systems can recognize voice inputs from a customer. Others respond to keypad presses that guide customers through a menu to a specific department. This is the kind of IVR menu you’ve probably used before.
But how is this helpful in customer service?
Efficient Call Routing
The other important aspect of IVR phone systems involves routing calls. If your business consists of multiple departments that relate to customer service in some way, using an IVR menu can help callers get where they need to be without a call handler routing them manually.
A good example of this is a car insurance company. Generally, its departments would include claims, customer service, renewals, sales, etc. Having a centralized number means customers don’t need to put in much work to find it, as you can then route them using IVR phone systems greeting instead.
Self-Service Transactions
IVR scripts allow for self-service transactions and processes. For example, a customer could use an IVR menu to pay an invoice, book an appointment, or for other fairly simple tasks. A good example of this would be booking movie theater tickets using the automated line.
Why are Greeting Messages Important for Your Business?
A greeting message is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a business’s phone service. Here’s why.
Sets the Tone
Unsurprisingly, a greeting message sets the tone for the rest of the conversation. As such, it should be friendly and formal. It should represent the voice you want your customers to hear for your business.
Guides Customers
Similarly, an IVR phone system greeting shouldn’t be overwhelming. The definition of IVR means it’s interactive, so your customers have to respond in some way. It therefore shouldn’t give them more information than they can handle in one go. For example, when setting up an IVR menu, try not to put more than 5 options.
Builds Customer Relationships
You might not think a greeting message is important for building customer relationships, but it is. As mentioned above, it sets the tone for your company’s communication, and customers will remember the way you introduce yourself.
The Best IVR Phone System Greeting Examples
Although IVR scripts aren’t too complicated, knowing how to balance the right amount of information can be challenging. So, here are some examples of IVR phone systems greeting scripts you could use for your business.
1. Appointments
Dear customers, thanks for calling [clinic name]. If you’re calling to book a new appointment, press 1. If you’re calling about an existing appointment, press 2. For any other queries, press 0.
2. General Greeting Message
Thank you for calling [company]. All our agents are busy, but we’ll connect you as soon as one becomes available. If you’re happy to wait, please stay on the line. If you’d prefer a callback, press 0 and leave your name and contact number.
3. Main IVR Menu
Hello, thanks for calling [company]. To help us get you to the correct department, please listen carefully to the following options.
Sales, press 1. Billing, press 2. Technical support, press 3. Customer services, press 4. If you’d like to speak to an operator, press 0.
4. After-Hours Greeting
Hi, thanks for calling [company]. Unfortunately, our offices are currently closed. Our standard opening hours are [time]. You can leave your name, number, and request at the end of this message, and a representative will get back to you during opening hours. However, if it’s urgent, please check our website at [URL] for information.
5. Holiday Greeting
Thank you for calling [company]. We’re currently closed for [holiday] between [date] and [date]. To leave a voicemail, press 1. Please state your name, contact number, and request, and an associate will get back to you when we reopen. Thanks, and happy holidays!
6. Callers Busy Greeting
Hello, you’re through to [company]. All our handlers are currently busy, so you have been put in a queue on hold. If you’d rather have a callback, press 2 to leave your name and contact number. You can also remain on hold, and your call will be answered in order. Thanks in advance for your patience.
7. General Greeting Message
Welcome to [company]. This is a quick message to let you know that all calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes. You’ll be connected with an agent shortly, so please have your reference number ready.
8. After-Hours Message
Thank you for your call; you’ve reached [company]. Our offices are currently closed but will reopen tomorrow from [time] to [time]. Leave your name and number, and we will call within 1 business day. However, if it’s an emergency, please call [number] to speak to someone. To hear this message again, press 0.
Set Up Your IVR Greeting for Free in Textr Team
Using IVR scripts is essential for effective customer service. Luckily, with Textr Team, setting up an IVR menu is easier than ever. You can customize greeting messages in different languages, set call forwarding to outside numbers, and more.
Along with this, Textr Team offers a range of great features for managing your business’s phone services. You can assign multiple numbers, run SMS campaigns, manage your team and tag customers. Better yet, you can do all this with unlimited SMS messages and high-quality call minutes.
Start your 7-day free trial today to see everything Textr Team has to offer. Download now on Android, iOS, and web browser.
About the Writer

B2B marketing specialist with expertise in lead generation through text messaging. Unlock your business potential with his proven strategies.