Tech Solutions

What is a Non-Fixed VOIP Number?

Written by Jason
February 7, 2025
5 Mins Read


With the internet taking over the world, many businesses have thrown away old landline systems and brought in new VoIP phone services.

VoIP is a voice over Internet Protocol which allows companies to make telephone calls over the internet. Users can enjoy stable connections; lower costs and some services have some extra features that typical mobile phones or landline systems can’t use.

There are two types of VoIP numbers:
· Fixed
· Non-fixed

Both can be used by businesses. Each has their own strengths but it’s important that you choose the one that is right for you.

The difference between the two is relatively easy to tell, on the surface. It all has to do with tracing. A fixed VoIP number is associated with the account holders address and so can be traced back. However, a non-fixed VoIP is more difficult to trace as it isn’t connected to a specific area or address – sometimes it’s just the account holder’s email address.

What is a non-fixed VoIP number?

A non-fixed VoIP number is a number that isn’t tied to one geographic location, otherwise known as a virtual number. It does not require a fixed address and can generally be useful for those businesses that do work all around the world. If you have employees that you need to connect with that are working in a different area or even country a non-fixed VoIP allows you to connect with that individual without incurring huge costs.

Services such as MS Teams, Google Voice, and Skype all have the capacity to use non-fixed VoIP.

To set them up is simple. All it requires is an email to create and account. At times you may need to put in a payment method, but that is only if it becomes relevant. Many of the services out there, specifically the large tech companies, offer the service for free.

How To Trace Non-Fixed VoIP Numbers?

The whole point of having a non-fixed VoIP is that it isn’t tied to one geographical location. Unlike fixed VoIP’s, non-fixed numbers don’t need to have the account holders address to set them up.

All they need is an email.

This can make it incredibly difficult to track and at times, even impossible. It is why many scammers use non-fixed VoIP’s because of this difficulty in locating the origin of the number.

However, there are a few methods that you can try:

1. An identification service or caller ID:

If you have an identification service, there is the possibility of tracking the number and to have the caller show up on the system. However, if the non-fixed VoIP is being used by a scammer or non-legitimate user, they may be ‘spoofing’ their number. Simply, they’re using a number that is not tied to them and therefore, cannot be located or have any real information regarding the caller. Even if the service picks up the number, there is no certainty that it belongs to the caller.

However, you could use our FREE phone number lookup tool which will be able to trace and gather more information about the phone number that has called you.

2. APIs

An application programming interface is a software that allows computer systems and their applications to talk to one another and share information.

For example, White Pages PR Phone software gives a reputation score with incoming calls to determine the possibility of spam based on various data points that they find.

The use of API’s manages to track numbers. Again, if the caller is ‘spoofing’ the number or if the number is being used by multiple users, there is no way to find the individual caller.

3. Phone Books

Try searching the phone books for the number that called you. Again, the number may have already changed since the phone book was published and may not be accurate.

4. Contact your mobile carrier

Your mobile carrier will be able to tell who the carrier of the owner of the number that called you is.

5. The police

If you’re worried about the number that has contacted you, you can easily involve enforcement. They may be able to do some searching and analysing in order to get the address of the sender.

What is the difference between Fixed and Non-Fixed VoIP Numbers?

Firstly, a fixed VoIP is assigned a number by the VoIP service in connection with an internet provider and linked to the public telephone network.

They will have a physical address, so if you are using it for business purposes, the number will be associated with the location of the business headquarters. It works pretty much the same as how a business landline would – linking an address to landline services. Instead, it’s linking the address to the internet company as well as the VoIP provider.

Because they are associated with an address, those with a fixed VoIP number can be traced. This is what allows them to make calls to the emergency services, as not only are they more reputable, but they also allow for location tracking that the dispatch services can use.

To have a fixed VoIP number, the VoIP account is usually a paid account. For each additional number that is provided by the VoIP provider, an additional cost will incur.

On the topic of costs, because fixed VoIP’s are connected to a geographical location, calling overseas or to different locations that aren’t local could incur additional costs.

There is also a certain level of technicality with a fixed VoIP and mainly because they are associated with a VoIP telephony. They come with additional features such as being able to switch between a laptop and your mobile with the application seamlessly, as well as many other business-orientated capabilities that a non-fixed service may have – which tend to be used more for personal use.

What Are Non-Fixed VoIP Numbers Used For?

Sometimes, it can be considered that non-fixed VoIP lines are better for businesses.

For those larger companies that have employees working remotely and in different locations, or workers that are more flexible and work in the office and at home, or simply for those businesses that have a range of customers from all around the world, a non-fixed VoIP that isn’t connected to a specific location can be much cheaper and easier to use.

Many non-fixed VoIP providers use API’s which will ensure that your legitimate business doesn’t get confused with non-legitimate businesses that are trying to scam people.

However, there is also the other side of using non-fixed VoIP. The side where scammers use a virtual number in order to look like someone else, or to avoid being tracked.

Non-fixed VoIP numbers can be generated super easily which allows scammers all over the world to impersonate other people or make anonymous calls. Due to its ease of access, dialling using multiple numbers being untracked, and its minimal financial impact, non-fixed VoIP can be hotspots for spammers.

Pros And Cons Of Using Non-Fixed VoIP Number For Business


  • Location: not having a geographical location tied to your account means that you can show your business to be local presence all around the world.
  • Remote work: if your team is flexible or working from home, non-fixed VoIP allows you all to stay connected and communicate efficiently.
  • Price: setting up a non-fixed VoIP often incurs no cost at all. Simply type in your email address to get set up and off you go.
  • Ease of use: you won’t find yourself needing to take valuable time out of your day to help train your staff.


  • Tracing: having no location tied to the account means that tracing is far more difficult. However, you can use our FREE phone number lookup tool to help.
  • Emergency services: non-fixed lines aren’t trusted and there is no way to trace them. Therefore, if you’re unable to give your address the services would have no way of finding you.
  • Less professional: having a non-fixed VoIP account isn’t quite as appealing to the senses of business minded people.

1. Can You Text A Non-Fixed VoIP Number?

Yes, you can configure both fixed and non-fixed VoIP numbers to support text messaging capabilities.

2. How To Block Non-Fixed VoIP Number?

There are a few different methods.

You could add the number to your contacts, then select the contact and block.

You could also use a call blocking software / device. You can choose contacts to load up into the device which will then block incoming calls from that non-fixed VoIP number.

Set up an auto-reject list. Most VoIP providers have a feature in which you can auto-reject a number.

However, most systems are pretty straight forward. Simply, click on the information icon for the number that has called you and a block option should be available.

About the Writer

Written by Jason

B2B marketing specialist with expertise in lead generation through text messaging. Unlock your business potential with his proven strategies.

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